

場所:神戸大 理学部Z棟103室
講師:Dr. Vladislav Kataev(Leibniz Institute for Solid State and
Materials Research IFW Dresden)

講演題目:Multi-frequency high magnetic field ESR spectroscopy of the
dense Kondo lattice system YbRh2Si2

要旨:(We have investigated an electronic crossover between the non-Fermi
liquid and Fermi liquid states in the dense Kondo lattice system
YbRh2Si2 by means of tunable high frequency ESR spectroscopy.
Experimental results strongly suggest that the ESR response is due to
a resonance excitation of the quasiparticles in the Kondo lattice. As
such it probes directly the evolution of the Kondo state and the
occurrence of different electronic regimes in YbRh2Si2. We discuss a
qualitative theoretical model that attempts to explain the
experimental observations.