
日時:6月8日(金)PM 17:00
講演者:S.V.Demishev(A.M.Prokhorov General Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences)
講演題目:EPR in doped AF S=1/2 quantum spin chains: quantum critical phenomena, Oshikawa-Affleck theory and new magnetic oscillations.
要旨:We present a review of recent experimental studies of doped with magnetic impurities S=1/2 AF quantum spin chains. Taking spin-Peierls material CuGeO3 as a model object we show that the insertion of the magnetic impurities of iron group (Fe, Co, Mn) in Cu2+ chains causes appearance of the quantum critical phenomena and peculiar effects in dynamic magnetic properties. We argue that in some cases doping may cause an unknown before type of magnetic resonance, which is a consequence of the new type of magnetic excitation in doped S=1/2 quantum spin chain.